Political commentary untolerated by academia

Conservative Professor

Leftist University, Leftist City, USA

Relaunch date: 1/20/17

Conservative Professor


Welcome to my website which I created as an outlet for my political views which are not tolerated for the most part where I work and live. I live in a left-leaning city and work in academia, which "welcomes" diversity except when it comes to political diversity. I believe there are others out there like me, who have conservative views but suppress them where they work and live amongst their predominantly leftist colleagues and neighbors (e.g. a conservative new york woman's blog). I see what is going on in our schools, and want to add something to the conversation about our history, present and future, that is missing from our schools. If you have a comment about one of my posts, or have additional resources that you would like me to link to, email me at doctordc@conservativeprofessor.com .

Initially launched before the 2008 election, the content of this site was lost via a lapse in renewal. When all seems lost, as during the Obama years, we can either give up or rebuild. Let's choose the latter. I rebuilt this website on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017. Not because Trump is a conservative; but because January 20 marks the end (we hope!) of a period that moved us far off track, away from the Republic envisioned by our Founders and towards the tyranny of an Oligarchy; see my post on January 21 for further details about this. It will take time, effort and resolve to undo the damage and rebuild our country.